
Good Health and Well-being

19.12.11 12:52

Sofia Wiwen-Nilsson
Head of Marketing and Communications

Companies that understand future business needs for sustainability will more easily meet the requirements of future generations and play an important role in helping to create a more sustainable world. Envirotainer has focused on sustainability for many years, and sustainability is an important part of our business model. At Envirotainer we strive to further improve our sustainability impact in all areas to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

UN SDG Goal #3: Good Health and Well-being

The end of the year is fast approaching and there is no greater joy than to express to you Season's Greetings and good wishes from us at Envirotainer. One of UN’s Sustainability Development Goal that has a special meaning during this time of the year is Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being. On behalf of our customers, partners and employees, we have this year chosen to make the charitable donation to Doctors without Borders, an independent medical humanitarian organization.